Clitoral and Vaginal Orgasms Explained

Here’s the deal. Orgasms are fantastic, right? But let’s just have a quick moment of truth. It’s 2020 and we, as a society, are finally starting to really study female sexual anatomy. After all, a female orgasm is not necessary for procreation so what’s the point, right? The point, my friends, is that it’s necessary for LIVING YOUR BEST LIFE. So let’s chat about the different kinds of orgasms, shall we?


How do I know if I’ve had an orgasm? You’ve probably heard, “you’ll just know” type of rhetoric, but we’ll try to be a little more clear. What happens is that you feel this giant build up of tension in and all around your vagina. This build up then is followed by this massive sense of relief and pleasure.

Below are two kinds of orgasms we’ll go over today.

Vaginal Orgasm

The vaginal orgasms, also known as the g-spot orgasm, is the one we hear about the most and society according to movies and porn expects us experience the most, but guess what? That’s not a common experience! Are you thinking to yourself, “um I have never actually had a g-spot orgasm,” you’re not alone. A 2017 study shows that 18 percent of women experience orgasm through penetration alone. Shocked? Yeah, us too. Disappointed? Well, good thing we carry the best vibrators to help you explore yourself :)

What can I do? Great question. First of all, you need to identify where the g-spot is. Lay on your back, insert your pointer finger into your vagina, and do the “come hither” motion (like come here) upwards towards your belly. Look for a spongy feeling part of the vagina. This is where the g-spot lives! Toys are a huge aid in helping you explore your body and maybe even achieve orgasm. Start with the Voodoo Karma Vibe which will reach the g-spot and teach you more about your body.


Clitoral Orgasm

Ahh the elusive clitoral orgasm. TBH I didn’t understand what the clit was until college, which is another topic for another day, but the clit is a lot bigger than what we may think. This is the most common form of orgasm for women, and while this isn't orgasm by penetration, you can still orgasm via the clit during sex.

What can I do? Again, explore your body! The clit is located right around and in the lips of the vagina, as well as under the “hood.” Start by using your hand to rub lightly and then move according to what feels good to you. The Voodoo Mini Halo will help stimulate the clit and possibly help you achieve orgasm.


Some things to remember:

  • Relax! Orgasm is a journey, and it’s difficult to achieve when you’re in your head and stressed out.

  • One is not necessarily better than the other! Do what feels best to you and live your best life that way!

  • Help your partner. Show them how you orgasm. This can be super hot and it will help them learn how to get you off! They might even help you explore yourself better :)

Now get out there and get off!