I Smell Something *Down There* - is it Normal?

We’ve all been there. Out of the blue, you smell something a little off in your vaginal region. How can you tell if it’s normal or if you should be concerned?


Here’s the deal. Everybody and every body has a different smell and this is not necessarily good or bad. Your vagina is like its own little ecosystem which is based on your individual biological makeup, which can change! Remember, your body is based on a cycle and your hormones change daily, meaning your scent can, too.

  • Your PH plays a HUGE role in your scent. Your acidity level in your vagina can cause either a tangy smell or possibly a sweeter smell.

  • Stress (yep there it is again!) can also impact how you smell. Sweat glands like the apocrine gland which responds to your emotions, and the eccrine glands which produces sweat to cool your body can both cause smells.

  • What you eat! There is a ton of anecdotal evidence to show that the sweeter, natural foods like fruits - not processed sugars - will have you smelling a little sweeter. You may also notice that more pungent foods will show a stronger smell.

When should you be worried? Well if you notice the smells below along with burning, itching, pain, thicker discharge, call your doctor!

  • A fishy smell can indicate either bacterial vaginosis and trichomoniasis.

  • A rotten smell can indicate a forgotten tampon. Girl don’t forget those tampons!

So. Always remember. There is a smell down there, it’s natural! Do not ever feel like you need to smell like a field of roses, because that’s just unrealistic. Use your power, this smell is filled with pheromones. There have even been experiments using this as a perfume!!
