Which sex toys are the best to gift?

True to its nature, the holiday season has once again snuck up on us. If your recipient list has you feeling a little lost, take a step back and think about what your loved ones really want and what can provide them with endless hours of joy, boosted mood, glowing skin, and less stress.

My friends… start gifting vibrators!


You may be wondering, “how would I go about gifting vibrators without coming across as strange?” The first lesson here is to ensure anyone you’re gifting any sort of intimate (intimate in every sense - with friends or lovers) gift is that you open your lines of communication - consent is key when gifting really anything, and that especially includes sex toys. Have these conversations! Are you at a place where you are aware of your friends likes and dislikes? As well as their needs? If not, open up that line!

The second lesson here is that the awkwardness is SUCH a stigma! Did you know that two thirds of women received their first sex toy from a friend? What a better way to tell your friend that you want to de-stress their lives and help them explore their sexuality? A fun idea is to have a sex toy themed gift giving with your friends where you can all start by gifting your personal favorites.


If you need help on where to start buying vibrators for others, look no further!

  • The Egg-Static is perfect for the friend who may be just starting to explore their sexuality or the friend who LOVES clitoral stimulation.

  • The Money Bunny is great for that friend who is looking up their vibrator game or change it up a bit.

  • Do you have a friend who has had an exceptionally stressful year? Go big and get them Voodoo’s Deluxe Mega Wand. This one has 28 earth shattering vibration patterns.

    Check out our whole catalog here and happy vibing into the new year!