It's Time to Stop Beating Around the Bush!

Let’s start out by saying that however you keep your kitty cat groomed is gorgeous and completely normal. That being said, do you know all of your grooming options? If it’s time to switch it up, take a look at the suggestions below.


If you’re wondering how you should maintain your public hair, let’s be clear that there is no way you should do anything there. It’s all based on your comfort and aesthetic preference! Here are the options:

  • Au Natural

This is the most low maintenance of the options, but do we recommend that you still pay attention to that area hygienically speaking by taking extra time to keep this area clean. Research is still pending on this topic, but it has been said that keeping your pubic hair can possibly help protect against STIs (it is NOT a preventative method, still use protection!).

  • Shaving

Shaving is typically the first step to any pubic hair removal, as you are likely to go along with it when shaving your legs. Just pay attention to the sensitivity of your skin normally because down there it is likely to be extra sensie. Make sure you prepare by washing up and gently exfoliating with warm water, lather on shaving cream or anything to moisturize, start from the outside and work your way in. If this is your first time, start slowly so as not to hurt yourself! Moisturize after, but throughout this process, make sure nothing goes inside of your vagina.

  • Waxing

Waxing is a great alternative to shaving. If you’re brave, you can DIY (although a full Brazilian would be difficult). We always like to start with the pros before venturing out on our own. Just make sure this is a reputable pro who has a clean workstation and is wearing gloves during the waxing process! Some people like to pop an Advil prior to the appointment to help with any possible pain, try to give some time before or after your period when making your appointment (sometimes that period pops out of nowhere), wear some loose, cotton undies or something comfortable in case it’s sticky after, and chat with your esthetician about post-wax care. This can last 2-4 weeks!

When waxing, know that you have OPTIONS. You can do bikini, which takes off public hair on the panty line, French, which takes off pubic hair further than bikini, but leaves a little along the inner part of your vagina and bum if you want, and there’s Brazilian, which takes it all off.

  • Laser

I’m sure you’ve heard the commercials on the radio or have seen your favorite Instagram influencer hawk some sort of laser hair removal. This is the more permanent, and more expensive up front option for hair removal. A laser is used to target the hair follicles underneath the skin’s surface, killing the follicle and preventing re-growth for a longer period of time (none of them are permanent permanent).

There are your options to dealing with the hair-down-there! As always, make sure you’re being yourself and making the happiest and healthiest decision for you.


Happy Vibin’!

Jessica Rocket