Your Helpful Guide to Treating a Yeast Infection

Okay you’re enjoying your weekend and then all of a sudden you’re feeling itchy, you have noticed a fishy odor, and some burning, down there, you may be a little sore, red, with a thick, white, odor-free vaginal discharge that has a cottage cheese appearance, do not fret - you likely have a yeast infection and it’s totally treatable.


Let’s start with the why. Some reasons you may have gotten a yeast infection include:

  • You may have started taking antibiotics, which can cause an imbalance in your regular, normalizing bacteria.

  • You may be experiencing a high spike in estrogen from your birth control.

  • Sometimes people see a spike in yeast infections when pregnant.

  • Those with a weaker immune system may experience yeast infections.

  • Douching clears out both good and bad bacteria, this could be another possible cause.

So what do you do?

If you’re not positive you have a yeast infection, go see your doctor to confirm! But if you’re confident, yeast infections are super easy to fix with an over-the-counter treatment, such as Monistat. Also, open your lines of communication with your friends or family members, they may have some good recommendations as well!

Going forward, some ways to help prevent yeast infections are:

  • Try to avoid super tight fitting clothing that isn’t breathable (polyester leggings, tights).

  • If you were wearing a swimsuit, take it off ASAP.

  • Stop douching!

  • Try to lay off antibiotics when possible.

We wish you luck and a speedy recovery!