Female Viagra is a Thing Now, People!

Okay, we have all heard about the little blue pill that has been allowing men to push their desires and libido to new limits, but guess what, ladies?? It’s our turn. A pill called Flibanserin, aka Addyi, was approved for use in 2015. Its intention was for use in premenopausal women who suffer from FSIAD, which stands for female sexual interest/arousal disorder, or HSSD, which stands for hypoactive sexual desire disorder. This is mostly common in premenopausal women. Also, non-FDA approved Viagra for women is currently being administered for women with a low sex drive.


Why is this needed? Well, low sex drive is a very common issue, especially when a woman starts to reach middle age and that pre-menopausal zone. It can also be a result of general life stress, certain medications, and even a side effect of some chronic conditions. Not unlike its brother, Viagra, Flibanserin is also the result of another condition. In case you didn’t know, Viagra was originally created for high blood pressure and it eventually erected its way to a different purpose. Flibanserin was originally created as an antidepressant, but this lil pink pill found its way downtown and ended up gearing up that sex drive. It does this by raising your dopamine and norepinephrine levels, which are both key in having a healthy sex drive.

If you’re interested, make sure to conduct some research and talk to your doctor to see if this is something that may help if you’re experiencing any sort of low sex drive!