How to use Sex Toys on Your (Penis owning) Partner

Let’s be real, this quarantine has got us all experimenting. Be that with Tik Tok, new recipes, home workouts, or your sex life! Especially if you’re holed up with a partner (lucky you).

So, how about testing the waters with some toys?


So, what needs to happen with your man and how?

  • First and foremost have a CONVERSATION. As always, consent is key, bbs. Now that you’re spending an indefinite amount of time together, not having time to talk is no longer a valid excuse. Plan a quarantine dinner and chat about some sexual exploration ideas. Tell your boo boo you want to try some toys on him!

  • If your partner is open to prostate stimulation, read our previous post about where to find the prostate, and talk about adding a butt plug like our Plug Walk (and don’t forget the lube!).

  • If you and/or your partner are not ready for * anal penetration * - know that you can reach the prostate externally through the perineum, which is the area between the balls and the anus. Have your partner lay down, identify the area, and stimulate using a larger vibrator like our Egg-Static Vibe or our Bullet to the Heart.

  • More than the perineum to play with using toys would be the raphe, which is the dividing line down the middle of his genitalia from the anus to the tip of his penis, down over the perineum, scrotum, and shaft. I like to call this the full monty. When you’re playing with this area, lube up a bullet like the Surge Bullet Vibrator to run up and down this line.

Note that you can really amplify any stimulation with oral play, like a blow job, while using these toys listed above ;)

  • Remember, there are MANY different erogenous zones. Using a power wand, you can play with different attachments - and explore areas like the inner thigh, the butt cheeks, the anus area (with consent), the v-line area, and whatever else floats that man’s boat.

  • For a more classic pleasure with a toy, look at the power wand attachment the Voodoo Hummer Attachment. HELLO!

Have fun, bbs :)