"The Fullest" Magazine Cover Voodoo toys' Mission on Self-Love


Los-Angeles based culture magazine The Fullest got behind Voodoo’s self-love message to kick off the Fall season, catch their spread here https://thefullest.com/2019/09/14/that-voodoo-that-you-do/.

The article focuses on Voodoo’s desire to close the ‘pleasure gap’ between men and women.

Palo Santo? Check! Jade Roller? Check! Meditation App? Check! Vibrator? Um…

In an era where self care is synonymous with overall better health, the tools we use have become as important as the act itself. We want the best because we’ve gotten to a point as wellness consumers where we prioritize quality in our search for sanity, clarity, and feeling better. 

But what about the act of masturbation? It seems that many women have reached a point of understanding that it’s beneficial for multiple reasons, but the taboos surrounding the practice still hang over like an ominous, judgmental dark cloud. 

It comes as no surprise that, according to Indiana University’s National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior, women fall at least 10-15 percentage points behind men when it comes to partaking in solo sessions. Additionally, one 2013 study found that over 50% of ladies have reported faking an orgasm, which indicates we have a ways to go before there is equal pleasure between the sexes.

The Fullest is a contemporary publication moved by the complexity and multi-faceted interests of their audience, covering all areas of modern life; from wellness to travel, fashion to food, influencers to urban affairs, and art to entertainment.